
"PÃO DE QUEIJO" - The Korean Way


"Pão de Queijo" is one of my greatest passions in the Brazilian Cuisine. Since we came to Korea, every time we visit Brazil I bring some cassava starch with me, it is the main ingredient for the famous cheese balls. There are times I am caught off guard when I run out of this precious ingredient... but not anymore! I found this recipe at Akemi's blog, Pecado da Gula, and it was created by a Japanese author whose objective is to use alternative ingredients. This is exactly my situation here in Korea. She uses potato starch instead, which is much easier to find. I couldn't wait and tested the recipe right away. It did not disappoint. It's delicious though it hasn't risen as much. Obviously the taste is not exactly the same but totally replaceable when you are away from home and missing your typical cuisine. She called her recipe "Japanese Pão de Queijo", but for obvious reasons I nicknamed it "Korean Pão de Queijo" ;o)

(Adapted from Pecado da Gula. The actual author has a Japanese blog  HERE)


50ml milk
3 Tbsp water (45ml)
1 Tbsp butter
100g potato starch
1/2 tsp baking powder
salt to taste
50g grated Parmesan (I used Parmigiano Reggiano)
1 large egg

Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F).

Boil the milk, water and butter together.

In a bowl, sieve the starch, salt and baking powder.

Pour the hot milk mixture over the starch and stir. It will be lumpy. 

Add the egg and cheese, stir until well combined.

Make little balls with lightly oiled hands and arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake until lightly golden, for about 20 minutes.


  1. Wow delicious recipe...I love these mini breads!!

  2. Wow absolutely yumm ) would like to try this some time soon.

  3. Oi, Re,

    Que lindos os seus pãezinhos! Eu tomei conhecimento dos 'pães de queijo de Singapura",
    assim que eles surgiram e pensei logo que deviam ser coisa de brasileiro expatriado, fato que se confirmou em seguida, rsrs. Gostei da critividade e iniciativa da criadora
    da receita e achei fantástica a sua adaptação, rsrs.


  4. They look so light and fluffy even though you say they didn't rise as much. Glad to see the potato starch has been an okay substitute for you.

  5. They look delicious. I imagine your house must smell fabulous while they're baking.

  6. Wow, Renata. These look so fluffy and yummy! I am definitely going to bookmark these! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Those look amazing and very enjoyable! What a great recipe.



  8. these Korean mini buns would be the perfect accompaniment to a salad!

  9. Variety is the spice of life, variety is substitutes lol. Glad it worked and I would love to try some.

  10. I haven't heard of these but they do look yummy! Also I love cheese and generaly cheese pastries so I simply had to bookmark this recipe. Can't wait to try it out :)

  11. These look delicious! I'm sure many recipes have evolved in this way when one is missing food of their home country and has limited ingredients. I have found that with the Italian dishes of migrants who have come to Australia. BTW, I love your cinnamon chips! What a great idea!


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